Namespace Kampute.HttpClient.Utilities
- AsyncUpdateThrottle<T>
Manages thread-safe, asynchronous updates to a value, ensuring efficiency by reducing unnecessary update operations.
- ExceptionExtensions
Provides extension methods for Exception to enhance functionality related to HTTP request execution.
- FlyweightCache<TKey, TValue>
Provides a thread-safe cache for efficiently retrieving and lazily adding key-value pairs.
- ScopedCollection<T>
Manages items within specific contexts.
- ScopedCollection<T>.Scope
Represents a scope containing items within a specific context.
- SharedDisposable<T>
Manages shared access to a disposable resource, ensuring it is correctly disposed of when no longer in use.
- SharedDisposable<T>.Reference
Represents a reference to the shared disposable resource.
- SharedHttpClient
Provides a singleton-like access to a shared HttpClient instance across the application.